Showing posts with label GlamLifeGuru. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GlamLifeGuru. Show all posts

Saturday, 21 May 2016

Get in my makeup bag!

Benefit Goof Proof Brow Pencil (available from June 24th)

So I'm in the middle of my exams which means that I'm binge-watching EVERYTHING, especially Youtube beauty bloggers. Some of my recent favourites have been Tati from @GlamLifeGuru and Kat from +KathleenLights @KathleenLights who do super fun chatty reviews of products. If you're like me then you're daunted by the thought of spending a sh**t ton of money on something that might not even work properly - when I'll be rolling in money maybe I'll do that but even then I'll probably still feel suuuper bad not doing research. This is where Youtube comes to the rescue, with people reviewing products for me - for free yay! 

So I've been looking into updating my makeup "collection", where collection is a massive overstatement of the few items I store in a small box. This is my condensed list (so far) of products I've heard really good things about/ I've really wanted for ages. It's not adventurous or anything, it's more like a starter pack for everything glam but hey, everyone starts somewhere right?

As I'll be purchasing these I'll update you with reviews of how I get on and how I find these products. Hopefully I won't be crying for having spent half of my monthly allowance :S


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