Showing posts with label Tom Odell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tom Odell. Show all posts

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Summer well 2014

It feels like I've karated my way through a brick wall, that's how tired I am. And that new sofa bed I'm now sleeping on? Yeah, not that comfy. I've actually counted 20 hours of sleep in three days, which for me is just not enough to function on, especially after the week in Vama Veche.

Nonetheless, I had so much fun at Summer well, my first ever festival (no camping involved) that took place this year in around Bucharest. It was held on a private estate Palatul Stirbey, which is otherwise a kind of monument with a big park, a lake and a manor house all transformed into a fun park for the 10.000 people that turned up.

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