Showing posts with label negative spaces. Show all posts
Showing posts with label negative spaces. Show all posts

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Ghost Town | Editorial

I'm trying my hand at an editorial, don't laugh just yet.

On my recent escape in the Carpathian mountains, I was welcomed by rain and fog and yet more rain. When life gives you lemons... you learn to like lemons. Just like I learned to go with the weather and make it work. I was really happy with the results - I wanted to show the adandoned spaces, that merge with the nature around it. Not quite sure which suffocates which but whilst you would say, on first glance, there's more negative space than not, I care to differ. Negative space can be oppressive too, especially when there's something missing from the past like a torn down building. 

I'm going off a tangent, just scroll down, macro to landscape, and try to feel spaces :)

Disclaimer: If you can't tell, I'm in a very artsy mood

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