Friday, 12 September 2014

Books, books and more books

An agonising 75 minutes later, I have (sort of) managed to align the two photos. It has gone dark already, I wanted to go out for a jog - seems like the internet transformed itself into a black hole of codes and HTMLs I do not understand.

Moving on to nicer things!

This is an exhaustive list of all the titles I have been enjoying for the past two months. I have outdone myself this summer, especially since I didn't have a beach type getaway where all you do is lounge in the sun and read your eyes off. These are just a few title suggestions, two of which I'm either still reading or wanting to get to. 

I. Harold Pinter - Betrayal

A relatively short play, written in achronological order. It traces the breakdown of relationships, affairs and dissects the deceptive bell jar under which the characters develop. Although at the beginning it feels like you're out of the loop, like they know more than they want to tell you, the play ties nicely towards the end and it all falls into place. You might even want to re read it back to front, it gives it a second dimension. If you're put off by monosyllabic dialogue, this might not be your best bet.

II. Jean Rhys - Wide Sargasso Sea

Firstly, it's written by a woman. And it's so so good. Really cinematic in the description passages of wild and overgrown vegetation of the Caribbean which went down a treat for me. It's the prequel to 'Jane Eyre' and rewinds to Bertha's (Rochester's crazy wife locked up in the attic) childhood. It's captivating, a very different 'colonial' read and the amount of historical detail makes it almost voyeuristic. In short, the way Victorian society drove women to despair, definitely recommend.

III. Damon Young - Voltaire's Vines and other Philosophies (not pictured)

I think I lost my volume...I'm so disorganised sometimes. This is a real eye opener. I'm a great lover of the outdoors and really find inner peace by being surrounded by greenery of all sorts. If you feel the same way about gardens, you will definitely feel validated by that fact that so many important thinkers, writers and artists drew their inspiration from nature. To mention only some of the chapters I loved: Colette's roses, Orwell's barren garden and Proust's bonsai. 

IV. Sylvia Plath - The Bell Jar

Plath's only published novel in her lifetime, 'The Bell Jar' is so much more than a novel. It's multiple emotions, it's so many colours, it's a way of thinking. Semi autobiographical from the author most known for having post natal depression in an era where women were looked down upon if they did not express the same maternal feelings and aspirations (and for killing herself with oven gas), it's more often than not dark. The overriding themes of struggle in a society that encourages women's oppression, sexual objectification and depression characterise the world in which the protagonist lives and wants to escape through suicide. I know it sounds like the most ungratifying 200 pages of your life but it's certainly unique from any books I have read so far and the voice is so genuine that you can't help but empathise. If you like this then I'd suggest reading her journals too, they're in my amazon basket.

V. Donna Tartt - The Goldfinch

Pretty much in every bookshop window, this novel can be alternatively used as a weapon or doorstopper. It's 770 pages can imagine the rest. It's one of those books that instantly grabs your attention, kind of necessary if you're going to read that much in one go. I won't reveal much of the plot since it's all so closely linked but I'll just mention this: it's set in modern day America, many characters die, even more drugs and alcohol than deaths, missing and stolen art, love stories, betrayals and oh so many twists! You think you know what'll come next but you had it all wrong. It's a very captivating novel and I did enjoy the art passages.

To follow - Rousseau's 'Discourse on Inequality', Camus' 'La chute' and Marthe Bibesco's 'The Green Parrot'. 

If you've liked any of the above mentioned titles and you'd like to see some more of the books I've read, enjoyed and reviewed, then head over to and create your own list and since you're at it, you can add me HERE

It feel so refreshing to add a little cultural topics on here! If there's any titles you've really really loved, do write it down in that comment section ^.^

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