Showing posts with label hedgehog obsessed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hedgehog obsessed. Show all posts

Friday, 1 January 2016


Where do I begin? It seems like starting with an apology would be too little too late but nonetheless I'll get it out of the way, I'm sorry I haven't written since September of-last-year. I'll be realistic, few of my readers will really mind but I'm apologising to my past self, I've let her down on this one.

But you know how it goes, new year new you. One of my resolutions this year is to keep my blog up because it's my own little space and I love looking back on my attempts at photography, memories and hilarious posing. I hope you do too.

2016 sounds like a whirlwind and I don't think there's any way in which I can prep myself for it other than have absolutely no expectations at all. Will I manage to get a first in my exams? Will I find a summer job? Will I like my year abroad? Will the French like me (lol)? Where will I travel? Who will I meet along the way? Who will be my friends throughout? For anyone who knows me, I'm a total control freak, even if I do try to disguise it, and not knowing where my life is going is kinda keeping me up at night but at the same time I really can't let that get to me because I will turn grey in a matter of months - yes yes I found a grey hair and it's made me freak out...

What's not so scary is looking at the past because what's done is done and doesn't that sound comforting amidst a sea of uncertainty? Sorry, I'll stop using rhetorical questions now. This one's to 2015, to a strange but beautiful year...

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