Showing posts with label healthy breakfast recipe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healthy breakfast recipe. Show all posts

Monday, 27 July 2015

Ideal breakfast for a long day ahead

When you're about to drive for 12 hours from Bucharest to Budapest and you hit the road at 8 am, you might want to make breakfast time count!

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

'Eat Clean' office challenge | day 4

I was tempted to put an 'almost' before the clean bit of the challenge. This was a little bit of a cheat but still technically kept to the brief of the mission.

Behold, banana pancakes. To be read as banana mush pancakes. I have to say I added too much vegetable milk and it was a little on the soft side but nothing that I can't adjust for next time. Have the pancakes and none of the guilt is how I try to live my life :)

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Menu du jour | student edition

Tuesdays are a god sent day of no lectures which means 2 things: I live in my pijamas till about lunchtime and then I make things more adventurous than pasta or sandwiches. 

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