When you're about to drive for 12 hours from Bucharest to Budapest and you hit the road at 8 am, you might want to make breakfast time count!

Showing posts with label summer food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label summer food. Show all posts
Monday, 27 July 2015
Friday, 17 July 2015
Wednesday, 1 July 2015
The 'Eat Clean' Office challenge
In July, I will be doing work experience - which means I'll be sitting down and facing a screen for a month. Not exactly healthy, so I'm compensating with my diet by trying to cook my own meals and come up with healthy lunch-box friendly recipes every day. Yeah, wish me luck.
Thursday, 16 October 2014
Wednesday, 21 May 2014
Wednesday, 9 April 2014
Sunday, 30 March 2014
Avocado cult club
People wait for half terms and holidays to catch up on sleep and the all so vital social life. In my case, add a good dose of cooking! I just love taking the time to make myself healthy meals or snacks and the satisfaction at the end of it is worth the burnt frying pans that I invariably have to scrub afterwards.
Case in point, a spur of the moment superfood salad inspired (but reworked to suit the stuff left over in the fridge) by the Honey Chipotle Chicken Bowls by howsweeteats.com which you can see by clicking HERE.
I adapted the recipe and to a handfull of quinoa cooked with zest from half a lemon and some butter, I added a chicken breast glazed with a little honey and rosemary. The rest includes an avocado, a chopped pepper, a bunch of roughly chopped parsley, toasted pine nuts and sliced cherry tomatoes with chives.
Lighting was not on my side and so some pictures might not do it justice but damn was it a good lunch!
Tuesday, 27 August 2013
Easy summer recipe: Squid stir-fry
Only one week to go before the red and grey knitwear will take the place of flowy tops... so much sadness. That's why I keep clinging on to anything summerish until the time to let go of sunny moments by the beach or early morning jogging trips through vineyards (coming soon!) finally comes.
Cooking is one of the things I love about summer holidays because I have the time to put all creativity to work in the kitchen. One of the tastiest experiments this summer has been the low-fat squid stir-fry, inspired by a Waitrose recipe.
It's very quick and easy, relatively no fuss and moreover, it has that light, crisp texture you want in fresh summer foods to enjoy al-fresco!
I used about 5 medium-sized squids, which I then washed and cut into 2 cm round strips. Place them somewhere to dry before frying.
I tossed them in a pan to cook until they got golden brown together with some lemongrass for flavour.
In the same pan I cooked the greens until they were more tender but still crunchy.
And over them, added all the ingredients: the beansprouts, the spring onion, the squid, the egg noodles, lime everything.
Put a lid on it, waited for it to brown a little and added some sweet chilli sauce and it was ready!
Bon appetit!
easy student recipes,
food blog,
Le Periple,
Romanian girl,
stir fry,
summer food