Sunday 5 June 2016

Summer makeup haul

So...this happened. Oops!

I finished exams on Wednesday and naturally had to celebrate through retail therapy. I was actually very good, taking into consideration the fact that I left Zara without buying anything. Scroll down to see what I bought and reviews as well ^.^

Tuesday 31 May 2016

Fitzbillies #2

Cambridge is a quaint town but boy oh boy does it have some good coffee places. One (or probably THE) most iconic is Fitzbillies with their famous Chelsea buns as the beautiful wall painting announces upon entering. I have to say, Chelsea buns are not really my thing - sultanas just seem very sticky to me but I'm sure that to most people who do like sultanas they will live up to their reputation. Me and my friend Connie had a cheeky coffee break where we forgot about revision (working hard or hardly working???) and indulged in some delicious cakes and iced lattes, also known as the most summery drink ever.

Friday 27 May 2016

Technic 'Mega Nudes 3' palette review

When I ask 'Worth it?' I realise I'm implying this was an expensive product. Let me set the records straight, it was £1.90 from TKMaxx. 
It was either going to be a complete bargain and join my Natural Collection £1 mascara to be a favourite or it was going to be a waste of money, but at least I wasn't breaking the bank right?

Saturday 21 May 2016

Get in my makeup bag!

Benefit Goof Proof Brow Pencil (available from June 24th)

So I'm in the middle of my exams which means that I'm binge-watching EVERYTHING, especially Youtube beauty bloggers. Some of my recent favourites have been Tati from @GlamLifeGuru and Kat from +KathleenLights @KathleenLights who do super fun chatty reviews of products. If you're like me then you're daunted by the thought of spending a sh**t ton of money on something that might not even work properly - when I'll be rolling in money maybe I'll do that but even then I'll probably still feel suuuper bad not doing research. This is where Youtube comes to the rescue, with people reviewing products for me - for free yay! 

So I've been looking into updating my makeup "collection", where collection is a massive overstatement of the few items I store in a small box. This is my condensed list (so far) of products I've heard really good things about/ I've really wanted for ages. It's not adventurous or anything, it's more like a starter pack for everything glam but hey, everyone starts somewhere right?

As I'll be purchasing these I'll update you with reviews of how I get on and how I find these products. Hopefully I won't be crying for having spent half of my monthly allowance :S


Sunday 17 April 2016

Tenerife holiday throwback

I’ll skip the chit-chat and the apologies for being a bit M.I.A on here (oops, guess I just broke my own promise). Life got hectic, I’m actually giving my degree a proper shot with exams this term and don’t even get me started on the year abroad organising saga - that’s for a different post.

To make it up, I’m treating you to some summertime beauty: photos from my Tenerife holiday last summer. As if you need more reminders to brace your not-bikini-ready body that summer is coming…

Friday 1 January 2016


Where do I begin? It seems like starting with an apology would be too little too late but nonetheless I'll get it out of the way, I'm sorry I haven't written since September of-last-year. I'll be realistic, few of my readers will really mind but I'm apologising to my past self, I've let her down on this one.

But you know how it goes, new year new you. One of my resolutions this year is to keep my blog up because it's my own little space and I love looking back on my attempts at photography, memories and hilarious posing. I hope you do too.

2016 sounds like a whirlwind and I don't think there's any way in which I can prep myself for it other than have absolutely no expectations at all. Will I manage to get a first in my exams? Will I find a summer job? Will I like my year abroad? Will the French like me (lol)? Where will I travel? Who will I meet along the way? Who will be my friends throughout? For anyone who knows me, I'm a total control freak, even if I do try to disguise it, and not knowing where my life is going is kinda keeping me up at night but at the same time I really can't let that get to me because I will turn grey in a matter of months - yes yes I found a grey hair and it's made me freak out...

What's not so scary is looking at the past because what's done is done and doesn't that sound comforting amidst a sea of uncertainty? Sorry, I'll stop using rhetorical questions now. This one's to 2015, to a strange but beautiful year...

Saturday 12 September 2015

I'm stuck

I don't think I've ever done 'chatty' blog posts on here yet, I don't quite know why. It might be because I want this blog to be all about the nice things in my life, the happy memories, the photos that inspire me and I hope you as well. Yup, you've guessed it, I'm a perfectionist and letting people down would be my greatest unhappiness (extra extra points for whoever gets that movie reference).

This blog post will be a tad different, bear with me, since I spontaneously decided to share my experiences with anxiety and where I'm currently at.

Friday 11 September 2015

Sunday 6 September 2015

Review | L'occitane Collection de Grasse Neroli & Orchidée

This is summer's most prized find. I cannot imagine life pre Néroli & Orchidée. I cannot even imagine a day when I won't be wearing it. Bottom line, this is THE perfume.

Saturday 29 August 2015

Out of office!

Bags are packed! Actually, by the time this goes up I'll be recovering from jetlag. Weeeelll, maybe I'm exaggerating, I don't even know if there's much of a time difference... we'll live, we'll see, we'll learn.
Caesar eat your heart out.

Anyway, this is the happy time of year, when I live mostly outdoors, sun shining, plenty of freshly squeezed fruit juices, crystal clear waters, in short, paradise. I'm a sucker for maps - I collect them from each place I liked. I also like to think the post survives because of my postcard sending to my friends...I'll be sponsored by the Royal Mail any day now.

This year I'm upping my own game with the Infinity Metallic Tattoos with Romanian ethnic motifs. I can't wait to share them and so much more (think volcano hike vues, bikini for days and lots and lots of food) on my Instagram account which you can find at ana.persinaru :)

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